esmaspäev, 31. oktoober 2016

Halloween at playschool.

The students decorated English classroom with ghosts, black cats, bats, spiders.

Today year 6 students went to our playschool to sing a song "Trick or Treat".

Unit 2 My family

Alustasime uue teemaga "Family". Tunnis õppisime inglise keeles pereliikmete nimetusi.

Laulsime laulu "I love my family"

Lugesime õpikust dialoogi, kus Mary tutvustab isale oma sõpra. Lapsed harjutasid seda esitama klassi ees, kasutades uus väljend Nice to meet you.

reede, 21. oktoober 2016

School rules

Täna 4. klass kirjutas testi. Pärast testi kuulasime kaks laulu.  Esimene laul "Respect". Nüüd lapsed teavad sõna "respect" tähendust. Rääkisime, et me peame austama iseennast, kooli ja oma lähedasi.

Esitlesime oma valminud postreid koolireeglitest.

kolmapäev, 19. oktoober 2016



Halloween falls on October 31st each year in North America and other parts of the world. 
People have parties and tell spooky stories about witches, skeletons, bats and ghosts. People put a lantern outside their house to be friendly to the spirits.
  A Halloween lantern is made from a pumpkin.

At Halloween people play a game called „Trick or Treat“.
Tricks are jokes and treats are sweets.

Listen and sing a Halloween song.

Do these tasks during your holidays.


1. Halloween is traditionally celebrated on the night of 31st
October, the night before All Saint’s Day. 

2. In England Halloween was called ‘All Hallow’s Eve’.

3. On Halloween night all evil spirits stayed at home. 

4. Halloween is based on an ancient Celtic holiday and the name
‘Halloween’ means ‘Winter’s End’. 

5. In past times people put lamps or lanterns outside their houses
to keep away evil spirits

6. People believed that witches, ghosts and goblins went around
at night looking for a living body!

7. On Halloween people dressed up as ghosts and witches so
that the spirits would not steal their body!

8. Nowadays people put pumpkins with faces in their houses.

9. The pumpkin is sometimes called the ‘Jack-o-lantern’.

10. ‘Trick or treat’ is a game children play at Halloween to play
jokes (trick) or get sweets (treat).



Watch a video  how to make a pumpkin lantern.


Halloween is coming.

Halloween is on 31st October.
It's an old festival.
Halloween comes from Scotland and Ireland.
The name „Halloween“ means the day before All Saints` Day.
In the past people believed that ghosts came back to Earth (planeet Maa) on this day.
Today many people around the world celebrate this old festival.
People dress up in costumes and make a noise for Halloween.

HALLOWEEN (vocabulary-sõnavara)

Learn the words from here: 

Play Halloween puzzle games.

Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2

pühapäev, 16. oktoober 2016

School uniform

Unit 4 School uniform

Arguments for school uniform:

1.Wearing a uniform, students feel sense of belonging to their school and they are proud of their school.

2. A school uniform is a face of a student. When they wear it they look friendlier, elegant.

3. The school uniform teaches to be discipline and makes students look neat and clean.

4. Students don’t worry about what to wear on a school day.

5. A school uniform is a part of dress code. When you grow up, you’ll have to work. So you’ll have to follow the rules of a company or an office.  One of the most important rules is to look properly dressed. 

6. School uniforms are important and necessary. Wearing a uniform you  prepare for your future life. You study to be disciplined and follow rules.

7. It`s impolite to wear scruffy, baggy and too trendy clothes. Bare bodies 
and showing underwear also are unsuitable for school.

8. Free style makes it difficult for children to concentrate on their classes. 

9. Lots of students are often teased because they don`t wear expensive designer clothes to school. So those students whose parents can`t afford stylish clothes will feel more comfortable in a school uniform.

Arguments against school uniform:

1. School uniforms deprive students of an opportunity to express their individuality.

2. Students don`t want to look all the same, want to have more freedom.

3. School uniforms are less comfortable than their own clothes.

You can add your own arguments for or against school uniform.

 Learn the words here:

like/likes; don`t, doesn`t

like / likes; don`t / doesn`t

Tunnis õppisime lihtolevikku (The Present Simple). Oskame pöörata tegusõna LIKE nii jaatavas kui eitavas vormis.


     I like                                                                                    I  don`t like
         You like                                                                               You don`t like
     S(he), it likes                                                                           S(he), it doesn`t like                                      
        We like                                                                                 We don`t like
        They like                                                                              They don`t like


   Koostasime lauseid enda kohta.
I like apples but I don`t like lemons.

Oskame ka öelda loomade kohta näite järgi.
The.........likes......but it doesn`t like..... .

Kuulasime-lugesime õpiku lugemisharjutust. Seda saad harjutada siit:

kolmapäev, 12. oktoober 2016

Unit 1 Hello

Tunni algul tutvustasime uude sõnadega (1-16) ja harjutasime sõnade hääldust.

Song "What`s your name?"

Õppisime, kuidas ennast tutvustada näite järgi.

Hello, I`m........
I`m from........

Tegime neid harjutusi töövihikus. Harjutus 1 ja 2 lk 3.

Nüüd teame HE ja SHE vahet.

Vaatasime linki, kus saab Unit 1 sõnu kodus õppida ja harjutada.

Täna õppisime tervitama ja tutvustama oma kaaslasi.

This is......
She / He is from.....

Õppisime viisakusväljendeid. Laulsime 2 laulu.

pühapäev, 9. oktoober 2016

There is / There are

Unit 4

Vaatasime videot metsloomadest ja õppisime uusi sõnu.

Laulsime laulu "What do you see?"

Harjutame There is / There are
Play "Memory game"