neljapäev, 1. juuni 2017

The English Blog is going on a summer holiday. Have a sunny and busy summer!

See you again in autumn!!!

neljapäev, 18. mai 2017

Months of the year. Seasons.

Tänases tunnis õppisime kuude nimetusi (months of the year) ja aastaajad (seasons).

Väga tähtis on meeles pidada, et inglise keeles kirjutame kuude nimed alati SUURE algustähega!

Õppisime selgeks lihtsa laulukese:

teisipäev, 16. mai 2017

Unit 18

Õppisime uusi sõnu ja kirjutasime need vihikusse:

Õppisime viisakusväljendeid, mida kasutada tee küsimisel:

Excuse me. How can I get to ...?

Thank you.
You´re welcome.

Tuletasime meelde õpitud kohamäärsõnu, õppisime uusi väljendeid ning kirjutasime need vihikusse.

Lugesime rütmisalmi:

Kuulasime ja lugesime õpikus olevat kahekõnet:

esmaspäev, 8. mai 2017

Camping Unit 17

Lugesime rütmisalmi ja õppisime mineviku ajavormis küsimuste moodustamist ja küsimustele vastamist.

reede, 5. mai 2017

reede, 28. aprill 2017

What are you doing?

Õppisime moodustama piltide põhjal lauseid kestva oleviku ajas:

Õppisime uusi sõnu ja kirjutasime need vihikusse:

Oleme moodustanud lauseid kestvas olevikus. 

Kordasime õpitud sõnu piltide ja sõnakaartidega:

Juba mitu tundi oleme õppinud tegusõnu ning moodustanud lauseid kestvas olevikus. Nii ka tänases tunnis. Õppisime lugema uut rütmisalmi:

Kuulasime lugemiharjutust ja siis harjutasime ka ise teksti lugemist:

Rooms in the house.

2nd conditional

neljapäev, 27. aprill 2017

Ordinal numbers (8-100)

Juba varem oleme õppinud järgarvesõnu kuni seitsmeni. Täna õppisime järgarve kuni sajani.


  • 8th – the eighth
  • 9th – the ninth
  • 10th – the tenth
  • 11th – the eleventh
  • 12th – the twelfth
  • 13th – the thirteenth
  • 14th – the fourteenth
  • 15th – the fifteenth
  • 16th – the sixteenth
  • 17th – the seventeenth
  • 18th – the eighteenth
  • 19th – the nineteenth
  • 20th – the twentieth
  • 21th – the twenty-first
  • 22th – the twenty-second
  • 23rd – the twenty-third
  • 30th – the thirtieth
  • 40th – the fortieth
  • 50th – the fiftieth
  • 60th – the sixtieth
  • 70th – the seventieth
  • 80th – the eightieth
  • 90th – the ninetieth
  • 100th – the hundredth

Õppisime kuupäevi nii ütlema kui kirjutama:

Tegime paaristööd, et õpitut oskaksime ka kasutada:

Enne lugemisülesande juurde asumist, uurisime uusi väljendeid ja püüdsime kokku sobitada inglisekeelse ja eestikeelse tähenduse. Seejärel kuulasime ja lugesime õpikus olevat kahekõnet. Algul harjutas igaüks omaette lugemist, siis lugesime tegelaste kaupa.

pühapäev, 23. aprill 2017

The days of the week.

Monday pärineb sõnast "moon" (kuu);
Tuesday on saanud oma nime skandinaavia sõja jumala Tiw`i 
Wednesday on saanud oma nime kõige võimsama põhja jumala Woden`i järgi.
Thursday on saanud oma nime Saksa jumala Thor`i järgi (inglise keeles on "thunder" äike)
Friday on tulnud Saksa jumalanna nimest Freya; ta oli jumala Woden`i naine ja Thor`i ema.
Saturday pärineb samuti jumalast nimega Saturn;
 tuleb sõnast "sun" (päike).

Väga tähtis on meeles pidada, et inglise keeles kirjutame nädalapäevad alati SUURE algustähega!

Nüüd harjutasime lugemist, seejärel lugesime tegelaste kaupa.

Lugemise harjutamiseks saad teksti veelkord kuulata siit:

Teisipäeval koolis oli e-õppepäev. Õpilased õppisid iseseisvalt kodus õppisid selgeks lihtsa laulukese:

Siis nad tegid töövihikuharjutusi ja mängisid mängu.

Sights of London

Shakespeare’s Globe

Shakespeare's Globe is the reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse associated with William Shakespeare. The original theatre was built in 1599, destroyed by fire in 1613, rebuilt in 1614, and then demolished in 1644. The modern Globe Theatre reconstruction is considered quite realistic, though safety requirements mean that it fits only 1400 spectators compared to the original theatre’s 3000.
In 1970, Sam Wanamaker founded the Shakespeare Globe Trust and the International Shakespeare Globe Centre, with the objective of building a faithful recreation of Shakespeare's Globe close to its original location.
The theatre opened in 1997 under the name "Shakespeare's Globe Theatre", and has staged plays every summer.
The reconstruction was carefully researched so that the new building would be as faithful a replica of the original as possible.

Like the original Globe, the modern theatre has an open stage that projects into a large circular yard surrounded by three floors of raked seating. The only covered parts of the amphitheatre are the stage and the seating areas.

The Houses of Parliament

 The Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace of Westminster, is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. It located in city of Westminster, in the central London. The Palace lies on the north bank of the River Thames. It was built in 1016 but in 1834 a fire destroyed the Palace of Westminster, leaving only the Jewel Tower, the crypt and cloister. Rebuilding started in 1940 and lasted for 30 years. There are also Commons Chamber & Lords Chamber, Central Lobby, Victoria Tower and Westminster Hall. The most famous feature of the Houses of Parliament is its clock tower, known as Big Ben. The Palace of Westminster is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a massive church in London. It´s more than 900 years old. Since the 11th century the kings and queens of Britain have been crowned and buried in the Abbey. Now it`s mainly a museum with an exceptional collection of tombs, monuments and statues. Many public figures have found their final resting place there, and lots of others have been commemorated.

Millennium Bridge
The Millennium Bridge is a steel  suspension bridge for pedestrians crossing the River Thames in London.
It is located between Southwark Bridge and  Blackfriars Railway Bridge.
Construction began in 1998, and it opened in June 2000.
People named the bridge ´´Wobbly Bridge´´ after they felt swaying motion.
The bridge was closed later on opening day and two days later, it was closed for almost two years while modifications were made to get rid of the motion. It reopened in 2002.

pühapäev, 16. aprill 2017

Year 5 students wrote about their collections

Lisett Samm

I started my collection two years ago.
I collect earrings, they  are all different.
In my collection I have small ones and big ones. I like the shining earrings.
My relatives  and my parents give me them at Christmas ,for my birthdays and sometimes I buy them.They are not too expensive.
My favourite is with pink shiny pebbles. My uncle gave me them.
I hold my collection in the boxes. 
I like to wear my earrings in sunny weather because the shining pebbles are beautiful in the sun.
I  like my collection very much.

This is Lisett`s favourite earring.

Jack Koemets

My Collection

I started my collection a year ago.
I have over 30 stickers in my collection.
I have stickers of Halloween, Valentine`s Day and fantasy stickers.
I get my stickers winning different contests.
My favourite sticker is a tiger with wings.
I keep my stickers in a cup.

I show my collection to my family and friends.

Happy Easter

teisipäev, 11. aprill 2017

Unit 15 What`s the weather like today?

Õppisime ilmaga seotud sõnavara:

Tunni teema sissejuhatuseks lugesime rütmisalmi:

Tegelesime lugemistekstiga "A Snowy Sunday". Järjestasime pildid õigesse järjekorda ning seejärel sobitasime laused piltide alla.
Kodus õpilased tegid oma pildid ja tunnis jutustasid lugu piltide abil.
 These are our students` pictures.

Presentation "My favourite singer, band, ..."

Safety first

Form 8 made posters with the rules how to avoid different accidents.

Year - three students can say quite a lot about themselves. They are great.

Unit 10 Numbers 10-20

Tänases tunnis kordasime arvsõnu 1-12 ning õppisime arvsõnu kuni 20-ni. 

Et arvsõnade kirjutamist oleks lõbusam õppida saad harjutada siit:

Match the words
Numbers 1-20

have got "omama"

I have got - Mul on
You have got - Sul on (Teil on)
She has got - Tal on (naissoost)
He has got - Tal on (meessoost)
It has got - Sellel on
We have got - Meil on
They have got - Neil on

esmaspäev, 10. aprill 2017

Unit 13 Museums

20 Most Visited Art Museums in the World

The most famous paintings of the world.

Mona Lisa

The painting's fame was emphasized when it was stolen on 21 August 1911. The next day,a painter, walked into the Louvre and went to the Salon Carré where the Mona Lisa had been on display for five years. However, where the Mona Lisa should have stood, he found four iron pegs. Béroud contacted the section head of the guards, who thought the painting was being photographed for marketing purposes. The Louvre was closed for an entire week to aid in investigation of the theft. At the time, the painting was believed to be lost forever, and it was two years before the real thief was discovered. Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia had stolen it by entering the building during regular hours, hiding in a broom closet and walking out with it hidden under his coat after the museum had closed. Peruggia was an Italian patriot who believed Leonardo's painting should be returned to Italy for display in an Italian museum. Peruggia was hailed for his patriotism in Italy and served six months in jail for the crime.

In 1956, the lower part of the painting was severely damaged when a vandal threw acid at the painting.

On 30 December of that same year a young Bolivian named Ugo Ungaza Villegas damaged the painting by throwing a rock at it. This resulted in the loss of a speck of pigment near the left elbow, which was later painted over.

The use of bulletproof glass has shielded the Mona Lisa from more recent attacks. In April 1974 a "lame woman", upset by the museum's policy for disabled people, sprayed red paint at the painting while it was on display in Tokyo. In  2009, a Russian woman, distraught over being denied French citizenship, threw a terra cotta mug or teacup, purchased at the museum, at the painting in the Louvre; the vessel shattered against the glass enclosure. In both cases, the painting was undamaged.


teisipäev, 4. aprill 2017

Unit 14 Ordinal numbers (Järgarvud)

Inglise keele häälestamiseks lugesime rütmisalmi õpikust.
Eelmises tunnis õppisime järgarvsõnu ja nende kirjutamist. Kordasime veel kord üle ja vaatasime videot:

the first
the second
the third
the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh

Lugesime muinasjuttu "A visit". 

Play a game.