When and what is April Fool`s Day?
April begins with a day of fun and jokes-April Fool`s Day. No one really knows when this custom began but it has been kept for hundreds of years.
It is commonly believed that April Fool came about because of the change of calenders. In 1582 Pope Gregory introduced a new calender called the Gregorian calender which is the calender we still use today.
April fooling became popular in England during the 1700s.
April Fool`s Day is on 1st April . It`s the custom in the UK to play a trick or
a joke on someone on this day. If the person falls for the joke then they are
called an ‘April Fool’. In fact it’s only half a day because April Fool’s Day
finishes at midday. No more jokes after lunchtime, please!
In Scotland,
April 1 is called Hunt-The-Gowk-Day – ‘gowk’ meaning ‘foolish person’.